Cygor Conversion
The question became how to convert one. I had a Giant kit, and figured that was a good place to start, but wanted him to be more "Beastish". Green stuff seemed the only answer.
The first step to was to fix the legs. Beastmen have a hock; that is, the "backwards knee". You can see it in this awesome goat illustration:
So I wanted my Giant to have one as well. I build it up just below and behind the knee.
Next was the fur. I wrapped thin bands of green stuff in layers around the Giant's pants. As soon as I had everything covered, I took a hobby knife and just started slashing away, tearing at the green stuff to get little fur strips going. This took a little while, but I think the results were pretty good.
Finally, I needed to work on the head. I wanted my Cygor to be completely blind, like a monstrous seer completely dependent on the Warp for his vision (and reflected in his awesome Weapon Skill of 2). So I built him a blindfold using a small strip of green stuff, and then used another twisted strip in the back to show where it was tied together.
Overall, I think it came out well, and I look forward to painting him and stomping magical opponents all over the place. What do you think?