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Showing posts with label Ortegas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ortegas. Show all posts

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Malifaux Video Battle Report - Ortegas vs. Nicodem

Two video batreps in one week!?!?  What kind of wackiness is this!?!? 

These videos are my first foray into trying to do battle reports for Malifaux.  The game is great, and I've really enjoyed both painting the fantastic miniatures, and playing the game.  It's got a great cinematic feel to it, and the game can turn for one player or the other in a heartbeat.  Enjoy!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Ortegas Go 2-0!

You know why I had to pick up the Ortega clan?  They fit in the greatest genre ever:  the post-apocalyptic sci-fi horror fantasy western.  It's what's making them so very delicious.

The other night, we had a chance to take on Tim and his Rasputina box.  Rasputina looks like a female pimp from the 70's, complete with top hat and fur jacket, and has a bunch of ice monstery folk with her.  I was feeling good, because cowboys with guns are not afraid of 70's pimps.  I'm pretty sure on that.

Tim did some interesting things, like raising a bunch of terrain, blocking a lot of my shooting with "White Out" and killing Papa Loco at range (which took Santiago down as well).  I used Nino and Perditia to do what I specialize in, which is moving fast and shooting things in the face.  Even with all her soul stones to protect her, Rasputina went down to Perditia's overwhelming shooting.  Nino picked off the little ice monsters, and in the end, Tim called the game with his big Ice Monster remaining, along with Francisco and Nino.

What I'm liking about the Ortegas is the absolute speed they bring to the table.  They are, to quote my opponent, "immediately up in your grill", and their shooting can be devastating.  Plus, your opponent has to focus on Papa Nino, or he's bringing them some big nasty explosions, which is no good for any kind of bad guy.

So yeah, Malifaux is pretty fun, and a great side game to Warhammer Fantasy.

Bonus! Enjoy the post-apocalyptic sci-fi horror fantasy western goodness!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Malifaux - The Painted Ortegas

I'm a pretty fast painter (and sometimes a pretty decent painter) when I put my mind to it.  Last Friday, I was stuck between projects, and ended up just painting the entire Ortega clan for Malifaux (minus Perditia, who I had already finished).  So here they are, in all there crazy cowboy glory.   I'll take 'em for a spin tonight and see who they end up rustlin'. 


Papa Loco:



Gunslingers are the coolest.  True story.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Blimey – this blog is getting rather full up now isn’t it? What’s that – 4 posts in a single day? Well anyway, hello there. I’m the aforementioned ‘Tom’ and I did indeed play a game of Malifaux last night with Ben. Here’s how it went:

So Malifaux then... After a few weeks of hearing what a cool game this was and a chance to look at some of the minis, Ben and I got a chance to play the game last night with his Ortega gang facing off against my ‘Undertaker’s Lot’ of Nicodem and (zombie) friends.

When I first heard about the game’s small scale and card based dynamics (yep, no dice here…) I wasn’t sure how tactical it could be but I was actually really impressed with everything going on. So how do you play?

After setting up your guys, you then take alternating activations with your opponent for each of your respective characters. This means that you have to think carefully about which of your gang to take action with first – do you cast that spell and boost your character or do you seize the chance to get into combat with the other guy? Will hanging back with that one character give your opponent the chance to force the advantage with one of his?

Combat and spell casting is handled by flipping a card from the top of your deck over and adding the total to the relevant value in your stat line, and works well. There’s an extra element to this due to the ‘control deck’ - a hand of 6 cards you draw at the start of the turn with which you can modify these flips. Couple this with a trigger system that causes extra effects on the flip of certain suits and you have a surprisingly deep system that forces you to think about how you want to approach each individual activation.

It’s also a lot of fun – I won’t go through every little detail, but highlights from last night’s game included dynamite wielding loon Papa Loco blowing himself up for fun, some zombie samurai rising from the dead to chop up a couple of Ben’s Ortegas and Nico Ortega getting to make repeater rifle shot after repeater rifle shot (thanks to some canny fate cheating by Ben) to decimate my zombies again and again.

By the end of the game, we had both got the hang of the basics and were starting to discover the specialties of our respective gangs. Nicodem and co. are very much a ‘grind your opponent down with cheap troops’ type of gang, whereas Perdita and her Ortega brethren are quick and good at shooting, but quite poor in combat. Further playtime will reveal some of the more subtle tricks involved, but both Ben and I agreed that it’s a game we’d definitely like to pursue. High praise indeed!

The end.

For anyone looking to get started with Malifaux, it’s really quite affordable compared to, well, pretty much any mini based game these days. You can get started for $60-70 depending on your gang. For further info www.wyrd-games.net is the official site.

Malifaux: Perditia Ortega

So my friend Tom and I picked up some Malifaux starter sets and the book, and have been working our way through the game.  We finished our first "scrap" last night, and Tom should be around shortly to tell you all about the game.  Right now, I'm pretty psyched about the great models that I picked up in the Guild's "Ortega Family" box.  It's got gunslingers, and a crazy old man with dynamite.  What more could one want?  I painted up the head of the family, Perditia, and will work on the rest in the next few days.  She looks a mean one!