Upcoming North Carolina Tournaments

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Painted Angron

I finished Angron up the other day.  I've had him for a few months, and he sat assembled and primed on my desk for a long time.  I was honestly a bit intimidated to paint him, as he is my first Forge World model and is highly detailed.

I changed a few details from the Forge World paint job.  First off, I used more reds overall, especially in the shoulder pads, and actually painted in the planets on the World Eaters emblem rather than leave them plain brass.

I still have the larger display base to paint at some point.  For now, Angron will be pulling duty as a counts as Lysander for a doubles tournament I'm playing in next month.  He'll collect a few skulls for a nice Skull Throne of his own.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ramos and Steamborg Painted

I've been traveling a ton lately, so please excuse my infrequent posting. Here are the latest things I've painted. I picked up the Ramos starter box for Malifaux and have finished it. This is Dr. Ramos and his Steamborg Executioner. I look forward to trying them out in a game.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Swordmasters Painted

Having just finished this batch of 18 Swordmasters, I am now up to 28 completed. I have two more to do, both with standards. As you can see, these guys will blend in to my Wood Elf army to begin to transition it to a High Elf army.

Next up, I'm painting a Malifaux crew, then knocking out the two standards to finish all thirty Swordmasters.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Bull City Wargaming Episode 15

Hey kids!

It's all going on in this one. The lads talk Malifaux and their lists for Scarabcon. It's quite a rambling episode with talk of Lark Voorhies, Tom reviewing Infinity miniatures in a new unique way and Ben going to the douchiest bar in Durham.

Check us out at bullcitywargaming.com or on iTunes!
