This past weekend had not one, but two 40K Toys for Tots Tournaments here in the RDU, North Carolina area. I participated in one over at Sci Fi Genre in Durham, along with nine other people. I took Lysander and his friend Pedro Kantor at 1750, and had a great time, with Lysander as always bringing his "Hulk Smash!" skills to the table. I tabled my opponent (Dark Eldar) in round one on kill points, took a minor loss in a five objective scenario in round two (also vs. Dark Eldar), and got tabled in round three against Space Wolves. I did, however, get the best painted army prize for the tournament.
The real win came in seeing all the loot that was collected.
What a great event, and I'll look forward to it next year!
Congrats on best painted, and for helping to collect all that loot for the kids!